Saturday, September 8, 2012

Marvel NOW! Wave 2 Teases - Part 1

So this week Marvel released it's second wave of teasers for Marvel Now! books coming out in January.  When Marvel Now! was first announced so were new #1's for Avengers and New Avengers, as well announcing new titles All-New X-Men and Uncanny Avengers.  The 1st round of teasers were pretty easy to decipher, for the new #1's for Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four, FF and Deadpool.  This round of teasers, however are not as easy.  First, what's interesting really interesting is that these four titles are being written by relatively new writers to Marvel.  Second, these teasers could go a couple of ways.  The easy money would be that these are Avengers or X-Men books being relaunched within MarvelNow! We know New Mutants and Avengers Academy is ending, and rumors of Remender leaving Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers abound, as well as tweets by Brian Wood (the current writer of X-Men) seem to indicate that his run on X-Men is coming to a close.  I'd be surprised to see a change on X-Treme or Astonishing X-Men, as well as Venom or Scarlet Spider since either the books just started or new creative teams just started on those books (However, while not announced X-Men and Secret Avengers recently had new creative teams on those books too -so not sure if that logic holds).  Based on the teasers, I'm predicting some sort of X-team maybe going under the name of Exiles that are on the run, possibly a Thunderbolts squad that is US gov. Black Ops team that kills villains and led by the Punisher, and the other two teasers are possibly for X-Force and Secret Avengers, or maybe even a SHIELD book.  My two other theories is that the teasers might be about books that deal with different physical locales of the Marvel Universe (such as the Savage Land or Wakanda) or books that deal with different genres of the Marvel Universe (such as Cosmic or Magic/Horror).  I think the possibility of that these could be teases for a Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy, and maybe two Magic/Horror books - Dr. Strange, Blade, Nightstalkers, ect. is one that could certainly be possible and would be a nice curve ball from Marvel.

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