Sunday, September 23, 2012

Comics Reviewed for 9/19/12

Here are my reviews for comics September 19th:


Daredevil #18 - Another great issue.  I love how Waid is weaving great past runs on DD from Brubaker, Bendis and Diggle to craft a great story where Matt must confront his current mentality with his past mistakes.  Love Samnee's art and love the developing rift between Matt and Foggy. A.

New Mutants #49  - The end of the Fear the Future story line - which I think would have been really good if not for the very sketchy art.  I'm sad to see the series go especially since I'm pretty sure X-Man and Blink the two non-New Mutant members of the team are on the bubble to make it into a book in MarvelNOW. B-.

Avengers #30 - This title continues to disappoint with it's A vs. X tie ins.  I get that this is the relationship that Bendis has established, and while I love new couples in comics, I'm so not interested in what feels to me the same conversation we have heard from every couple Bendis has written.  C.

DC Comics:

Wonder Woman #0 - Really enjoyed the throw back nature of the book as well as the set up for future interactions between Diana and War.  Also one of the few books that flashed back to the main characters childhood/teenage years.  One comment I read on twitter remarked that the book basically stated that a male deity was a better teacher than all the female Amazons.  However, with the exception of Zeus and Hera, Azzarello's Greek Gods don't feel as 'gendered' to me as other characters do. A.

Justice League #0 - This was the culmination for the the back ups in Justice League recently and was the origin of Shazam in the New52.  I like how Johns and Frank has done so many similar things with the Shazam but different enough that makes him more than a magic Superman.  A.

Nightwing #0 - Great issue.  Fantastic way to modernize Dick's circus origin, making him a little older and giving him a backround that would make sense why Bruce would allow him to be Robin.  Also liked the New 52 first Robin costume. Loved the homages to what's come before and the introduction to Lady Shiva.  A+.

DC Universe Presents - Here's the thing - I really bought this comic for the Mr. Terrific story by James Robinson.  I enjoyed it a lot.  The others- OMAC and Blackhawks were interesting, Deadman was ok, Hawk and Dove was boring.  C.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #0 - Really the Jason Todd origin story.  Really enjoyed the modernization of his origin, the hint of a possible Todd sibling, and the Joker back up which makes us wonder if it's true and what are the Joker's plans for Jason in the upcoming 'Death of the Family' story line.  And like Dick, I enjoy Jason's Robin costume in the New 52. B.

Supergirl #0 - Recently, I picked up the first 7 issues of this series.  And while slow, I really enjoyed the arc (sure it could probably have been in 4-5 issues).  Without reading issues 8-12, I really dug and enjoyed this issue.  Thought it gave answers but increased the mystery around Supergirl and her parents and what happened to their home or Argo City after Krypton's destruction. A-.

Green Lantern: New Guardians # 0 - I tried the first few issues of this title, and while I love Kyle Rayner, the art and some of the dialogue pushed this title to my drop list.  However, with the upcoming Green Lantern crossover "The Rise of the Third Army" and the promise of a different line up of different colored Lanterns, I figured I give it a try.  And I really enjoyed it.  Great art and good story.  I really enjoy Carol's new and more appropriate Star Sapphire uniform and really enjoy the dynamic between her and Kyle.  A.

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