Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday - DC's New 52 -My Suggestions for the 4th & 5th Wave

So here is Part 2 - My first suggestion is that DC needs to employ more of their young writers, especially female writers, and give less books to the writers who were popular in the 1990's  - sure some of those writers still have great stuff in the tank, but a new take and fresh approach is what is needed for some of these books.

However, here is my suggestions for what the fourth and/or fifth wave should look like:

Wave 4:

A new Justice League International Book - I would Gail Simone write this book, with Lopresti and Calafiore on art. My idea is have Wonder Woman and Flash lead the international team  - a combination of class JLI characters such as Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, Captain Atom, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, with adding on characters like Vixen, Firehawk and Red Rocket and others.  I think we could use more WW and her in a leadership situation would be great and to see Barry interact with the classic JLI characters would be cool since they came together in the old DCU after his 'death'.  And if it was me, I would make Max Lord the main villain, and bring up some different villains, and even more "JL" type villains like Amazo or Despero.

The Outsiders - written by Marc Andreyko where Batman (and Cyborg) assembles a team of young but not teenage super humans to work as his proactive team of heroes who work internationally.  Since classic Outsiders such as Katanna in Birds of Prey, and Halo, Looker and Metamorpho in Batman Inc., I would suggest Black Lightning and Blue Devil who Marc Andreyko will be introducing in DC Universe Presents with Hawk and Dove from a New 52 book that was canceled, and OMAC, whose book was also canceled, and throw in a few other characters such as Milestone character Technique an others.  Maybe even let Marc Andreyko bring back a New 52 version of Manhunter.

Young Justice - To be frank, I have a pitch, myself for this but T would get a young writer such as Kyle Higgins or even better an indie writer (maybe even a woman, I know Heaven forbid) to write about the JL's response to group such as the Teen Titans and the Ravagers- so Superman and Aquaman ask a few meta humans in their early twenties (here is DC' opportunity to bring out some not seen characters like Wally and Donna thought I imagine fans will have to be ok with different origins than before for these characters) to train teenage meta humans- my roster would include Miss Martian, Raven, Rocket, Aqualad, Hot Spot, and others.

The Dynamic Duo - Bryan Q. Miller and Cat Staggs on a book featuring Spoiler and Black Bat.  Their main villains should be Duela Dent and Enigma.

Wave 5:

Wildcats- A secret team with Grifter and Voodoo trying to not get attention and fighting off the Daemonite invasion.  James Robinson should write it. This should have a black ops feel and not be the JL like team that existed before.

A 2nd Wonder Woman book - While the main book focuses on the mythological connection, I think it would be great to see WW on her own adventures in the world today and even build up a Wonder family such as Donna, Artemis and Cassie.

Checkmate book - (I also have a pitch for this one too!) Nick Spenser would be the writer I would consider to get some sort of espionage book featuring Checkmate or some other spy/governmental organization in the DCU.

A new Static Shock book - this character is too popular not to bring back. It needs to happen.

A Titans book- something focusing on that 2nd generation level with Nightwing and Cyborg with other re-imagined classic Titans I think would fit well.  This is a book that would need a mission statement, like a threat to the world from someone like Trigon or HIVE would be needed.

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