Thursday, August 16, 2012

Comic Reviews for 8/22/12

Here are my reviews for the comics I either purchased or read this week:

Avengers vs X-Men #10 - Ehhhhh.   Here's the thing, I don't know how to say this, because Adam Kubert just lost his father, comic legend Joe Kubert, but the art in this issue really was odd.  The scene with the Cyclops, Hope, the Thunderer and the dragon was just weird.  And frankly, the audience has not been given any reason why Cyclops wants Hope back so badly besides the fact that it seems he is annoyed that Hope wanted to leave and sided with the Avengers.  Brubaker's writing is ok-good, but really gets lost in the awkward art.  C.

Wonder Woman #12 - Amazing.  The New52 WW series has gotten a lot of critical acclaim as well as a lot of fan anger over changes to Wonder Woman's origin (the clay origin was a lie to cover up the Zeus is her father) and the thing that got fans even more up in arms, that the Amazonians find ships, have an orgy with the men, then kill them the next morning.  If they get pregnant (which it indicated that most do) the keep the girls, and trade the Greek God Hephaestus for weapons.  What writer Brian Azzarello has done is given a Wonder Woman comic that gives us a different portrayal (but not inconsistent) of WW than in other books, and brought the classic Greek Gods into the modern world, emphasized their natures, threw in a dash of horror.  And the last page connects what WW has been all about to another great DC concept that hasn't been used in a while. A+.

Uncanny X-Force #29 - Great issue.  Very interesting to have a two issue reprieve from the current Brotherhood of Evil Mutants storyline to bring the logical extension/greatest fear of what X-Force could do.  The only downside is that this book has had such great art, these last two issues have been very loose and scratchy and at times difficult to follow.  B-.

The Shade #11 - Great issue.  This whole maxi-series has been awesome - Great writing and amazing art.  My only problem is that I felt that the last arc before the last issue has been missing a little of the oomph which the other arcs had.  A.

Daredevil #17 - Wow.  Another great series.  I never would have had Waid on DD, but this is a great one-off issue, with incredible art of Allred.  I'm interested to see where the most recent riff between Matt and Foggy will lead.  A.

Green Lantern #12 - Good issue.  Lots of revelations.  I really enjoyed the art by Calafiore, but not by Guedes.  And the way they mixed them, made sense storywise but really threw me off when reading.  B.

New Mutants #47 - Another great X-Title using the idea of future time lines being problematic.  I really have loved DnA's run on this book and am sad to see it end.  At times the art was hard to follow with such a scratchy stile.  B.

Nightwing #12 - There is a part of me that really wishes that new villains had to be related someone in an emotional way to another character.  The concept of Paragon is interesting, but really no emotional resonance.  I'm hoping that Nightwing's next arcs with Lady Shiva and Joker have more emotional hits.

Avengers #29 - Wow. I don't know what to say.  This issue did not need to exist.  We already know that Xavier is going to play a big part in the ending of Avengers vs. X-Men.  We already saw this fight in Wolverine and the X-Men. D.

Saga #6 - Really, really enjoying this.  Reminds me of Y the Last Man in it's writing but such an interesting and engaging story and fantastic art. A+.

Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite #3 - Wow, can Mark Waid write the main series.  This digitally only 3 issues have been fantastic one-offs examine main characters in a way that has been so much more engaging than most of the main series and the tie-ins.  A.

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