Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DC's New 52 #0 Month

 As I have talked about before, DC Comics recently (about a year ago actually) re-booted it's entire universe, cherry picking which moments and events that they wish to keep in the current Universe and then changing them to fit their new timeline.  This September, they are doing #0 issues for all their current titles and their idea behind the #0 issue is that it delves back into that character's or team's history.  Some of these stories will take place before the character became a super-hero, others will take place during the new 5-6 year old timeline that currently makes up DC Continuity.  Now at the current time (which will include next month) I'm collecting the following titles from DC: Justice League, Action Comics, Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Demon Knights, Earth 2, Shade(mini), Justice League Dark, and Batman Inc. (mini). (I just picked up Animal Man and Swamp Thing via trade paperback and loved them but want to continue with those titles via trade -considering dealing with I, Vampire the same) What the #0 month gives fans is three things: 1.) this is the 3rd wave of new DC books - so the #0  issue is a good sampling issue of the history of those books and 2.) it can be a jumping on issue for books that fans have heard good things about but didn't know how to sample an issue without being lost in the middle of an arc or feel like they had to buy the back issues and 3.) gives fans an opportunity to find out the new history of some old and new favorite characters in the New 52 DCU.  I've provided the covers of the books I'm definitely going to take a look at and consider buying the #0 issues for and will also be talking about issues I'll be giving the spot look or flip through in the store.

First up in Green Arrow.  I tired the first issue of this series, and both issues of the next two writing teams to come on board and haven't really like/felt any kind of chemistry with the character.  However, I'm a big fan of Winick's take on Ollie and excited for him to do a character history issue.  Next Birds of Prey - I collected the first few issues of this series, but had to cut it for financial consideration as well as dwindling interest.  I am interested in giving it a second try and learning more about Black Canary and Starling and their relationship. 

With Flash, while the art is amazing, the story, for me has been hit or miss.  I plan on getting the Flash Annual tomorrow, mainly due to the art of a great artist named Wes Craig, I am interested in Barry's revised history and interested in seeing where this is going.

Now the next two books, I'm getting for two reasons: 1.) I am interested in seeing the New 52 back story for Guy and Kyle but also 2.) the #0 issues serve as prologues to the Third Army story line coming up in the Green Lantern titles and I have been a fan of the inter line crossovers in the Green Lantern lines - and like it as a model that DC has done well for all cross-overs.

 Next up is Red Hood and the Outlaws.  I have to say as much as I have problems with this title, especially its portrayal of women, I enjoy that Jason is less of a sociopath and much more as a more complicated and complex character- who has chosen to be more lethal and mercenary because of his experiences but not willing to cross certain lines against those he knows are doing good.  I find it compelling and much more interesting - it seems like his portrayal is less like the Punisher and more like the Winter Soldier with father issues.
 Next up is World's Finest featuring Huntress and Power Girl - formerly Robin (Batman & Catwoman's daughter)  and Supergirl from Earth 2 that are now on the main Earth.  I picked up the first two issues or so and really enjoyed the flashbacks but was not engrossed by a.) Power Girl's costume and b.) the villain they were fighting.  Therefore, a mainly history issue with art, again, by Wes Craig, has me sold.
 The Teen Titans is a book that I want to like.  After reading Booth's blog, I realize that the DC asked him for a lot of designs and they picked my least favorite.  However, I am interested in Tim's new Red Robin origin as well as Bunker's.
 Now this is an introduction issue of Wave 3 of DC's New 52 titles.  Talon is the one escaped assassin from the Court of Owls.  The character was a young escape artist from Haley's Circus that escaped.  Co-written by Batman scribe Snyder, this is a book which I'm willing to try out for the first arc/few issues.

 This last book signals a creative change on Superman.  (Along with the Supeman annual this week).  Lobdell and Rocafort are taking over Action and while Lobdell has been hit or miss with me, I'm going to give it a shot.

The other books which I will be giving the flip through/spot check in the store are: Stormwatch, Phantom Stranger, Batman & Robin, Suicide Squad, Team 7, Legion Lost, Legion of Super-Heroes, Batwoman, DC Universe Presents, Supergirl, Sword of Sorcery, I Vampire, Red Lanterns, and Fury of Firestorm.

Comics News - JLA, Creator Changes, Point 1 & Relationships

Before I begin, I'd like to by stating that my thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Gulf Coast who might be affected by Hurricane Isaac.

So the last couple of weeks has contained some new announcements about both creator changes as well as new books to new relationships and I'm going to address a few of these.

This week is Justice League #12 and Justice League International Annual #1 - both big issues to the New 52 DC Universe.  JL #12 marks the kiss (and what has been touted as a new relationship) between Wonder Woman and Superman. Now, there has been a huge amount of flurry about this...and my opinion is that while I'd love to see both of these characters in actual new relationships (not with Lois Lane or Steve Trevor) in the New 52 DCU, I'm not excited or angry about this.  I'm waiting to see how it goes, and if it actually feels like it makes sense.  I remember Joss Whedon saying he loved writing Cyclops and the White Queen in Astonishing X-Men because he thought it was interesting to have the 'hero' - Cyclops -date the 'wrong' woman and see what it does to the character.  To both of these characters, this could be truly interesting if done well.  If done well.  My prediction is that it won't last long.  But we'll see.

Now I mentioned Justice League International Annual #1 - the last issue of JLI.  Co-written by JL scribe Geoff Johns and co-publisher Dan Didio and while seems to be a temporary cooling off for many of the characters in the book, it seems that Johns will launch a new titles called Justice League of America.  This will be Justice League squad run by a US government agency called ARGUS.  The team can be seen in the top most image.  The roster is interesting and diverse, which I like, and I'm interested to see how a government run team with such different character personalities work.  They seem to have a defined mission statement - to learn and stop the Secret Society of Super Villains- which is good because one of the biggest problems of the JLI series was the UN's response to the JL but with no driving mission statement.  The one foreseeable problem that I predict is Finch's art.  It truly can turn people off and often is both cheesecake when it comes to females and awkward.

Finally, two notes about Marvel Now- first, one of my favorite Marvel titles - Winter Soldier is changing writers.  Ed Brubaker who brought Bucky Barnes back to the Marvel Universe in the form of the Winter Soldier is one of my favorite writers.  With him leaving Winter Soldier, and a writer (whom I'm sure might be great) this is a good time for me to leave the book.  There is also rumors of creative changes for Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers and X-Men with no announcements of replacements for New Mutants and Avengers Academy cancellations.

Also Marvel released the creator pairings for the their Marvel Now! Point one issue: Brian Michael Bendis & Steve McNiven, Matt Fraction & Mike Allred, Jeph Loeb & Ed McGuinness, Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie, Nick Spencer & Luke Ross and Dennis Hopeless & Gabriel Hernandez Walta.  Again the characters featured on the cover were Nick Fury, Jr. Cable, Ant-Man, Starlord, Nova and the combination of Kid Loki, Wiccan and Miss America.  Now, the speculation is that Marvel Now! Point One will launch either on-going or mini series featuring these characters as part of Marvel Now!  Easy money says the team up of Fraction and Allred will be doing Ant-Man (who we now know is Scott Lang) since he will be appearing in FF (by the way, the FF cast of kids will be staying around which now makes me want to get the 1st arc).  Fan's hope is the Gillen and McKelvie is on the team up of Wiccan, Kid Loki and Miss America (who many think will be the New Young Avengers) since Gillen has written Kid Loki in Journey into Mystery and it has been hinted that he will continue.  Many think that Bendis and McNiven will be on Guardians of the Galaxy (which I hope not considering how he has written them in Avengers Assemble), Loeb and McGuinness on either Cable or Nova (most likely Nova) and Spencer & Ross and Hopeless and Hernandez on most likely Cable and Nick Fury Jr/SHIELD books.

As of this news my Marvel pull list will be this with Marvel Now!:
Books I'm collecting now that will continue:

Getting at least the 1st Arc:
New Avengers
Uncanny Avengers

Getting the first issue of :
Fantastic Four
Indestructible Hulk
Avengers Assemble
Captain America

Books that I will be trying out again with Marvel Now!:
Dark Avengers
Red She-Hulk

And depending on what books come out of the Marvel Now! Point One we will see on possibly a SHIELD book (if done by Spencer) and the New Young Avengers (if by Gillen & McKelvie) with my hope that I'm wrong about the team behind Guardians!  Also, I will be anxious to hear if and what the creative changes on both Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers will be.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Comic Reviews For the Week

Been a busy week...I'm working on a script for a movie - I know ambitious and arrogant but I figure at the very least it will help me writing skills.  If anyone reading this would like to take a peek, please let me know.  Anyways, onto my reviews for my week:

Batman Inc. #3- This is a book that was delayed for a month which sees the return of Matches Malone. He's a character that always seemed cool but dates and while the character speaks like what we might imagine a modern criminal might, his look is straight out of the 1970's.  This is an issue that seems to keep building Talia's organization Leviathan and how extensive and intricate it is.  We also see that Damian is, of course, alive but might be taking on the identity of Redwing, which I'm sure will eventually reveal who the new Wingman is.  As usual I love many of the moments like Bat-Cow but per usual, have a hard time following some the dialogue. B+.

Invincible Iron Man #523 - I've really enjoyed Iron Man since Fraction came on and this final set of arcs really seems a thank you to long time readers.  And while I imagine it'd be easy for a new reader to jump on board, many of the character moments- Pepper now with Wyche, what's Rhodey doing, the Rescue armor -good or bad?, Tony working with Zeke and his enemies, the possibility of Mandarin's rings have alien souls inside them....great stuff and if you like Iron Man, I suggest getting back issues or picking up the trade.  A.

Justice League Dark #12 - I picked up the first few issues of this book, but then dropped it.  I picked it up again with Lemire's first issue and love the new direction of the book - their connection to ARGUS and thus the regular Justice League, the re-imagined characters, and the upping the ante of the threats.  Great art as well.  A.

Secret Avengers #30 - Ok - so I really like Remender's writing and especially! that he is picking threads   that were introduced in the first arc of Secret Avengers by Brubaker but putting his own spin on this.  The only problem I have is the art is very scratchy and at times distracting. B-.

Uncanny X-Men #17 - I do enjoy that Gillen did the side arc with Sinister vs. the Phoenix Five.  I enjoyed that Danger, Storm, Psylocke and Magneto were left to save the day.  The two different artists were distracting however.  Also, if these issue has happened before the last two or three issues of the main Avengers vs. X-Men series would given this arc much more importance. B.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Posts - Marvel Redesigns

 So a couple of weeks ago I did a critique of DC's Earth 2 costumes, so I figured this Sunday, I would do the same for Marvel.  Now while Marvel has one alternate universe book, I though I'd take some of the new redesigns that Marvel has done recently or will be doing with Marvel Now!
Next up is the regular Marvel Universe version of Hawkeye in his new costume, one very reminiscent of the Ultimate Universe version (which is an alternate 'more contemporary universe') which was the basis of the movie version.  However, what this cover illustrates is the the Marvel artists, especially Aja who is the artists for Hawkeye's new solo title, have decided to blend Hawkeye's classic royal purple into a more modern approach.  I like it, especially Aja's simplified version - not as bulky or equipment laden or body armor-ish.  This look for Hawkeye is a couple of months old.
 This Havok (Cyclops' brother) costume as of him being in Uncanny Avengers as part of MarvelNow! and I hate it. I know so many people like the original Havok costume and to be fair it was cool in the late 60's/early 70's.  But while the black and white motif is cool, the weird headdress, not matter how helmet-ish artists try to make it, it is really odd.  Especially since Havok's current costume is so great - all black with a silver pipping around his belt, gloves and boots, the white circle in his chest, and either nothing around his head or black protection head-piece that covers his neck and the back of his head.  Definitely not a favorite of mine.
This is Dr. Strange's current look since he has relinquished the title of Sorcere Supreme but still practices magic. I love it.  Still has the flair and mystery of his first costume, but much more modern.
 This is Rouge's costume with MarvelNow! and while I like her current costume, I do enjoy this as it keeps her current green and white color scheme but harkens back to her older hooded outfit.  The question for fans is if the costume implies her powers reverting back to a more uncontrolled state.
 First of all, I'm just glad to see the Scarlet Witch back in action as a hero, and this will be her costume as part of the Uncanny Avengers in MarvelNow!  I love that they are keeping the classic headdress but also enjoy the contemporary outfit that is a mix between full body armor/padding and a trench-coat type of outfit. Great update.
 Now this is one that gets a lot of criticism.  This is Carol Danver's new costume as part of her name change from Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel.  I imagine it is supposed to harken back to Marvel's first Captian Marvel.  The art next to me is by one of the better artists out there and I really like it.  There are three critiques by me: 1.) The interior artist has a style that I dislike, 2.) the interior artist also seems to have a weird mask/head-piece that comes from the outfit at times which doesn't look good and 3.) I think I would have rather seen Carol as Captain Marvel in an updating and modernization of her original costume -such as in the cartoon Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. This is a pre-MarvelNow! costume but
Ahhhh....Gambit.  Again this is a pre-MarvelNow! outfit and might only be seen in his solo title.  I really like it.  For a character who is a thief, an all black body suit, with a utility belt and other devices strapped to arms and legs, as well as thick boots make total sense.  He still gets to keep the trench coat, and instead of a pink/purple chest piece with a weird metallic collar thing, here the purple/pink piping is very subtle.  Really brilliant.

Friday, August 17, 2012

One Last Friday Post- The Death List

 So to our right is the two most reveling promotional images released by Marvel Comics about Marvel Now.  What is revealing about is is the characters who are not included who are the most likely to die (or something to happen to them) in the Avengers vs. X-Men mini.  And yes, I know that no FF characters are included but except for Thing, none of them have really been a part of the conflict and we know he survives since he's on the cover of Fantastic Four.

So the Death List:

1. Here's the most interesting - a character that looks like Cyclops is in a new costume in the first promo image below but not in the one to our immediate right, which is the first four covers of the Avengers plus X-Men (a new team-up series after Avengers vs. X-Men).  Many fans thinks Cyclops in the promo image is to fake out fans.

2. Also, we see Hope in the image to our right, again, since she is main player and would make sense for her to die, but it would be interesting to see her in a post-Phoenix world too.

3. Red Hulk - a big player on the Avengers of late, one whose own titles is going to be transferring to his daughter, the Red She-Hulk.  The Red Hulk alias is Thunderbolt Ross and his death would be redemptive for the character and might spurn the Hulk characters in a new direction.

4. Luke Cage/Jessica Jones - Bendis in New Avengers have been doing a lot about Cage's issue of being on the Avengers and being a father, so a break would make sense, maybe only having him running the Dark Avengers/Thunderbolts.  However, his death would be an emotional shock to the Avengers.  However, their inclusion in New Avengers covers after Avengers vs. X-Men would indicate differently.

5. The other Phoenix Five- So no Namor, Collosus, Magik, or Emma Frost -does that mean that they will die or just jailed for their crimes or maybe just take a leave of absence as a result of what the Phoenix did to them.

6. Professor X and Magneto - The last issue of A vs. X really seemed to see these two characters coming together to take down a Phoenix powered Cyclops and Emma.  Their deaths, together, as a team should be a big deal to mutants and the world.

7. Iron Fist- The connection between Iron Fist and the Phoenix was something new but interesting.  Again, he seems to play a big part in the New Avengers last storyline but it is possible.

8. The Black Panther- Not likely, but not seen as well.  He has played a big part in the crossover with the destruction of his country and his marriage.  I think he's going to play a big part in Hickman's Avengers though.

Friday - DC's New 52 -My Suggestions for the 4th & 5th Wave

So here is Part 2 - My first suggestion is that DC needs to employ more of their young writers, especially female writers, and give less books to the writers who were popular in the 1990's  - sure some of those writers still have great stuff in the tank, but a new take and fresh approach is what is needed for some of these books.

However, here is my suggestions for what the fourth and/or fifth wave should look like:

Wave 4:

A new Justice League International Book - I would Gail Simone write this book, with Lopresti and Calafiore on art. My idea is have Wonder Woman and Flash lead the international team  - a combination of class JLI characters such as Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, Captain Atom, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, with adding on characters like Vixen, Firehawk and Red Rocket and others.  I think we could use more WW and her in a leadership situation would be great and to see Barry interact with the classic JLI characters would be cool since they came together in the old DCU after his 'death'.  And if it was me, I would make Max Lord the main villain, and bring up some different villains, and even more "JL" type villains like Amazo or Despero.

The Outsiders - written by Marc Andreyko where Batman (and Cyborg) assembles a team of young but not teenage super humans to work as his proactive team of heroes who work internationally.  Since classic Outsiders such as Katanna in Birds of Prey, and Halo, Looker and Metamorpho in Batman Inc., I would suggest Black Lightning and Blue Devil who Marc Andreyko will be introducing in DC Universe Presents with Hawk and Dove from a New 52 book that was canceled, and OMAC, whose book was also canceled, and throw in a few other characters such as Milestone character Technique an others.  Maybe even let Marc Andreyko bring back a New 52 version of Manhunter.

Young Justice - To be frank, I have a pitch, myself for this but T would get a young writer such as Kyle Higgins or even better an indie writer (maybe even a woman, I know Heaven forbid) to write about the JL's response to group such as the Teen Titans and the Ravagers- so Superman and Aquaman ask a few meta humans in their early twenties (here is DC' opportunity to bring out some not seen characters like Wally and Donna thought I imagine fans will have to be ok with different origins than before for these characters) to train teenage meta humans- my roster would include Miss Martian, Raven, Rocket, Aqualad, Hot Spot, and others.

The Dynamic Duo - Bryan Q. Miller and Cat Staggs on a book featuring Spoiler and Black Bat.  Their main villains should be Duela Dent and Enigma.

Wave 5:

Wildcats- A secret team with Grifter and Voodoo trying to not get attention and fighting off the Daemonite invasion.  James Robinson should write it. This should have a black ops feel and not be the JL like team that existed before.

A 2nd Wonder Woman book - While the main book focuses on the mythological connection, I think it would be great to see WW on her own adventures in the world today and even build up a Wonder family such as Donna, Artemis and Cassie.

Checkmate book - (I also have a pitch for this one too!) Nick Spenser would be the writer I would consider to get some sort of espionage book featuring Checkmate or some other spy/governmental organization in the DCU.

A new Static Shock book - this character is too popular not to bring back. It needs to happen.

A Titans book- something focusing on that 2nd generation level with Nightwing and Cyborg with other re-imagined classic Titans I think would fit well.  This is a book that would need a mission statement, like a threat to the world from someone like Trigon or HIVE would be needed.

Friday - DC's New 52 Part 1 - the Teams

So about a year ago, DC rebooted almost all of their continuity,m cherry picking here and there certain events that now made up a 5-6 year history of their heroes.  What it has done, is hugely help the comic book industry as well as their bottom line, but it also has made many of their heroes much younger - most iconic heroes are anywhere from their early to late twenties.  One of the bad things is that many legacy characters such as Wally West who was very popular Flash and Donna Troy the former Wonder  Girl, have still yet to appear (and that's just to name a two).

One of the complexities that DC has been doing with for some time, and now continues to do with this reboot (which I'll refer to as the New 52 from now on) is take other comic properties that they have brought and integrate them into the DC Universe.  When the Original Crisis on Infinite Earths, many of these other comic properties (Fawcett Comics, Quality Comics and Charlton Comics) were on other Earths, as well DC's own properties that had originally appeared during the 1940's.  What that Crisis did was integrate those characters from those Earth (and thus those companies) into one DC Universe.  This caused many problems along the way that DC tried to rectify later in events such as Zero Hour and Infinite Crisis.  With there maxi-series 52 and with the Final Crisis mini, they established that there are more than one Earth, some which resemble the worlds that used to exist, even though the characters remained on the original Earth.  With the New 52, DC has tried to once again integrate the Wildstorm and Milestone Universe into the DC Universe.

Now, I see two criticisms of having so many characters (many of which are similar) in the same universe.  The first, is it's too much, and depletes fans ability to keep track of the movements of the Universe, which can be frustrating if you enjoy following that.  Secondly, a lot of fans feel that there are many teams that seem to be doing the same thing, or if they want to introduce more teams into the DC Universe they need to be much more specific about what those teams mission are.

Before we begin, DC has tried to diversify their books, which I will talk about - and I think it's great.  The only large areas that they could do better in is the espionage/spy genre and more books that appeal to larger audiences such as female readers.  They have a good job with at least 1-2 War Comics, Horror books, even books set in the future and the past.

So here's one of today's exercises, which is for me to try to describe the mission statement of all the DC's team books as they exist right now.  So here we go:

Justice League - DC's top team - really a window into how their top characters deal with each other, and have introduced the past of this new DCU as well.  JL is this DCU's first superheros and their first superhero team, and to the public the best line of defense for the Earth.

Justice League International - this title is ending, and the idea was the UN's version of the JL, with a much more internationally diversified cast.

Justice League Dark - Originally DC's top magical characters banding together to face a large magical threat, now DC has tried to link them to the JL through the character of Steve Trevor and the US government organization called ARGUS. The JLDark 'work' for ARGUS, but also in their first mission  find a large magical threat to the world.

Stormwatch - The idea behind Stormwatch (originally a Wildstorm team that morphed into a JL-like team called the Authority notably with a Batman and Superman like characters who were gay lovers) is that this is a centuries old organization of superhumans that keep the world safe from unknown threats without being seen.  If the JL and their affiliates are seen in public or employed by governments, Stormwatch are beholden only to more powerful group called the Shadow Cabinet which we know very little about. Mostly comprised of Wildstorm characters.

Teen Titans - Red Robin, former partner to Batman, saves a group of teenage superhumans from an organization called NOWHERE who are trying to make them weapons.  Three of these teenagers have connections to the JL members Superman, Wonder Woman and the Flash.

The Ravagers - Teenage superhumans who were capture, abused and tampered by NOWHERE now escaped and on the run.

Team 7 - A new titles that chronicles the worlds' government (esp. the US) response to the emergence of superheroes and the creation of the Justice League five years ago.  It features many characters who exist five years later.

Suicide Squad - The US Gov. program which employs super-villains on suicide missions for the US, usually against some sort of super-powered threat.

Birds of Prey - A team of female superheroes brought together by Black Canary, who operate mainly in Gotham, usually against more secretive threats and at times are proactive against villains. Originally started as the due of Black Canary and Starling recruiting help for a mission and has continued.

Red Hood and the Outlaws - Red Hood, Arsenal and Starfire - not a huge amount of direction.  Less of a team book than the others. Mostly the idea is that Starfire saved Red Hood, Red Hood saves Arsenal, Arsenal knows Starfire and Red Hood, and they all hang out.

Green Lantern Corps- Focuses on Earth Green Lantern's Guy Gardner and John Stewart interacting in with the large Green Lantern Corps.

Green Lantern: The New Guardians - Earth Green Lantern Kyle Rayner interacting with the other Lantern corps because for some reason a ring from each other corps came to Kyle.

Demon Knights - A group of adventures during Medieval Times. Very Magnificent Seven esque -thought the writer has used some Arthurian mythology to keep them together.

Legion of Super Heroes - A group of young super powered aliens inspired by the heroes of today in the 31st Century to fight evil.

Legion Lost -A group of Legionaries from the future that came back to stop a threat to the past now lost in time.

Also a note: DC's War books have been Our Men at War, GI Combat and Blackhawks.  The first two have chronicled storylines of regular military in a world of superhumans with a new Sgt. Rock and Easy Company.  Blackhawks was a paramilitary organization that dealt with super powered threats.  DC has also set up a couple of governmental organizations too.  In Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE - SHADE is US organization that seems to have been created in response to the emergence of superhumans.  So far, the organization more tends to deal with the more horror/scifi/other dimensional threats to the DCU.  The DEO seen in Batwoman seems to be more of a NSA/FBI type of organization dealing with individuals with super powers, and ARGUS seems to deal with the JL and with the US government collection of mytical/technological artifacts that is has collected.  The UN has Checkmate, which seems to have a more proactive stance against all superhumans and has delved into the areas of genetically and technologically tampering with people to be weapons.

The only issue with many of these teams is maintaing the mission of why the team/group should remain together  - and at times that can lost even with the best writers.  I think the books that need that reminder  of why they team exists mainly is  the Outlaws, Birds of Prey, Stormwatch and the New Guardians.  In part 2 of my post, I'm going to suggest mostly team books that I think should make up DC's 4th and 5th Wave of books.

Friday - Marvel Now!

So I have posted about my thoughts on MarvelNow! and how my experiences at SDCC has really turned me off to Marvel and the changing of creative teams really has given me the opportunity to drop a lot of books.  As of this week, Marvel has announced a lot of #1's as part of MarvelNow! and some creative changes to books as part of it too.  Here's my thoughts:

Originally Announced:

Avengers & New Avengers by Hickman & great cast of rotating artists - interested and excited- hope to hear more info about the 18 member line-up of Avengers soon and the mission statement of New Avengers and how they connect. I will be picking up at least the first arcs of both. #1's for both.

All-New X-Men - Bendis & Immonen - love the art but done with Bendis.  As far as we know it is taking the place of Uncanny.  Features the original X-Men in the present.  Not picking up.

Uncanny Avengers - Remender & Cassaday - great art, great writing - love the cast so far -hope we'll see some more Avengers & X-Men who don't get as much screen time.  Seems to not be taking the place of any book. I'll be picking up the first arc.

At San Diego:

Avengers vs. X-Men Babies one-shot.

Avengers vs. X-Men Consequences- five issue miniseries about whomever dies at the end of this thing.

Avengers plus X-Men  -Leob & Slott- Not really interested in anything written or co-written by Leob.

Last two weeks:

Iron Man - Gillen and Land - I like Gillen a lot but Iron Man was never a fav. as a solo book so I'm out. Replaces Invinceible Iron Man.

Thor: God of Thunder - Aaron & Ribic - I like Aaron but again Thor for me was great in the Avengers but not solo.  Won't be picking it up.  Replaces The Mighty Thor.

Captain America - Remender & Romita, Jr.  Interesting- I love Cap and like exploring his child hood.  I like Zola as the villain not sure how I feel about the "Green Skull"  - will at least pick up the first issue. Just a new #1.

Fantastic Four - Fraction & Bagley - I like Bagley's redesigns of the black and white costumes and have enjoyed Fraction's portayal of Reed in Iron Man.  I might pick up the first issue.  Just a new #1.

FF - Fraction & Allred- Great art.  And I'm excited to see who I hope is Scott Lang, She-Hulk and Medusa take the spotlight however, for some reasons creators like to create new characters like 'Miss Thing' when there was already a She-Thing who is a mostly black slate. And while I think a replacement Fantastic Four is cool, it looks like the kids who make up the current FF titles (which stands for Future Foundation) will most likely get lost in the change. Most likely not picking up the first issue. Just a new #1.

Indestructible Hulk by Waid and Yu - Love Waid's writing but at times I find Yu's artwork to be hard to follow - for me it all depends on who is inking him and who does the colors.  This replaces Incredible Hulk.

X-Men Legacy - Spurrier & Huat.  This will seem to focus on Xavier's son Legion exclusively which is a character who is almost as condusing to me as the Sentry.  So nope. Just a new #1.

Deadpool - Don't read him now, won't then.

This week - no #1's but creative changes on books:

Avengers Assemble - Deconnick & Caselli - I enjoy Deconnick's writing and love Caselli's art.  I'm especially glad to see a woman writing an Avengers book. However, the line-up seems to be the movie cast still, but with Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel instead of Hawkeye and Black Widow.  I hate this.  I wish it had Iron Man and the Hulk assembling a team instead of using characters which are already have their solo books and already in at least two teams.  Maybe I'll pick up the first issue.

Journey into Mystery - Kathryn Immonen And Valerio Schiti  - This book which introduced Thor and has featured of late Loki reborn as a child in modern day will not focus on Thor's sometime love interest, Lady Sif.  I was not reading JiM but heard great things.  I'll most likely pick up the first issue of the creative change and see what the buzz on it before possibly picking up the trade.

The two titles that seems to have had it's final issue that has not been replaced is New Mutants and Avengers Academy. We also know that Hulk will now be Red She-Hulk with the same numbering.  Also the Defenders will be canceled with issue #12.  No news on whether the Spider books (Amazing, Avenging, Venom & Scarlet Spider) will go under any changes, or if X-Men, Uncanny X-Force, Avengers Academy, Astonishing X-Men, Dark Avengers (formerly Thunderbolts), X-Factor, Winter Soldier and Captain America and _____, and Secret Avengers will either.  Rumors of a Wolverine relaunced abound.  And I assume Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, X-Treme X-Men and Gambit will stay the same with their series just being launched, as well as sucessfull books that have been launched recently like Wolverine & the X-Men and Daredevil will stay the same. The Punisher will sees its final issue but the next month, a mini-series by the same creative team will have the Punisher square off against the Avengers.

So the tally as it stands:


New Avengers
Secret Avengers
Winter Soldier
Uncanny X-Force

At least the first issue - maybe?:

Avengers Assemble
Journey into Mystery
Fantastic Four
Captain America
Indestructible Hulk

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Comic Reviews for 8/22/12

Here are my reviews for the comics I either purchased or read this week:

Avengers vs X-Men #10 - Ehhhhh.   Here's the thing, I don't know how to say this, because Adam Kubert just lost his father, comic legend Joe Kubert, but the art in this issue really was odd.  The scene with the Cyclops, Hope, the Thunderer and the dragon was just weird.  And frankly, the audience has not been given any reason why Cyclops wants Hope back so badly besides the fact that it seems he is annoyed that Hope wanted to leave and sided with the Avengers.  Brubaker's writing is ok-good, but really gets lost in the awkward art.  C.

Wonder Woman #12 - Amazing.  The New52 WW series has gotten a lot of critical acclaim as well as a lot of fan anger over changes to Wonder Woman's origin (the clay origin was a lie to cover up the Zeus is her father) and the thing that got fans even more up in arms, that the Amazonians find ships, have an orgy with the men, then kill them the next morning.  If they get pregnant (which it indicated that most do) the keep the girls, and trade the Greek God Hephaestus for weapons.  What writer Brian Azzarello has done is given a Wonder Woman comic that gives us a different portrayal (but not inconsistent) of WW than in other books, and brought the classic Greek Gods into the modern world, emphasized their natures, threw in a dash of horror.  And the last page connects what WW has been all about to another great DC concept that hasn't been used in a while. A+.

Uncanny X-Force #29 - Great issue.  Very interesting to have a two issue reprieve from the current Brotherhood of Evil Mutants storyline to bring the logical extension/greatest fear of what X-Force could do.  The only downside is that this book has had such great art, these last two issues have been very loose and scratchy and at times difficult to follow.  B-.

The Shade #11 - Great issue.  This whole maxi-series has been awesome - Great writing and amazing art.  My only problem is that I felt that the last arc before the last issue has been missing a little of the oomph which the other arcs had.  A.

Daredevil #17 - Wow.  Another great series.  I never would have had Waid on DD, but this is a great one-off issue, with incredible art of Allred.  I'm interested to see where the most recent riff between Matt and Foggy will lead.  A.

Green Lantern #12 - Good issue.  Lots of revelations.  I really enjoyed the art by Calafiore, but not by Guedes.  And the way they mixed them, made sense storywise but really threw me off when reading.  B.

New Mutants #47 - Another great X-Title using the idea of future time lines being problematic.  I really have loved DnA's run on this book and am sad to see it end.  At times the art was hard to follow with such a scratchy stile.  B.

Nightwing #12 - There is a part of me that really wishes that new villains had to be related someone in an emotional way to another character.  The concept of Paragon is interesting, but really no emotional resonance.  I'm hoping that Nightwing's next arcs with Lady Shiva and Joker have more emotional hits.

Avengers #29 - Wow. I don't know what to say.  This issue did not need to exist.  We already know that Xavier is going to play a big part in the ending of Avengers vs. X-Men.  We already saw this fight in Wolverine and the X-Men. D.

Saga #6 - Really, really enjoying this.  Reminds me of Y the Last Man in it's writing but such an interesting and engaging story and fantastic art. A+.

Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite #3 - Wow, can Mark Waid write the main series.  This digitally only 3 issues have been fantastic one-offs examine main characters in a way that has been so much more engaging than most of the main series and the tie-ins.  A.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday - 3 new Marvel #1's and Animal Man trade

Recently Marvel has launched three pre-MarvelNow! #1's which we all assume won't get changed with MarvelNow! (I'm going to be posting this Friday with my thoughts on the titles that have been announced last week and the creative team changes that seem to be being announced this week) But I wanted to review this last month (or 2 months) #1's from Marvel:

Captain Marvel #1 - by Deconnick & Soy.  Very glad to see Carol in her own book and very cool to see her take on the Captian Marvel name - being the 3rd woman to do so.  I thought it was ok-good -mostly due to Soy's art (and maybe it was the shading/coloring?) but I thought it really detracted from the story.  Her new costume as Captain Marvel has gotten a lot of criticism but for me, I'm really neutral to it.  However, I think it can look good with some artists, not so much with others, and I feel Soy is one of them.  I'm surprised they didn't do a modernized version of her current or original costume instead of one more like the original Captain Marvel.  I think what the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' have done with Carol's original costume is great.

As for the story, I think the first half where Carol teams up with Captain America and is hanging out with Spider-Man is good.  The 2nd half, which sets up her dying friend, her brother and her hero who was a pilot is not as engaging.  It just comes off as forced supporting cast which we should have feelings towards but we don't. And that most of her supporting cast are relatively unknowns.  It doesn't seem to set up a larger plot unless the plot is about those characters.


Hawkeye #1 by Fraction & Aja - This is a really cool #1 because while it introduces a supporting cast that could play a larger part, it mostly just focuses on Hawkeye and a dog.  The art is magnificent.  This is what I would expect as a one-off issue in between larger arcs but it is surprisingly great that Fraction used that format as an introduction not to a storyline but to a character.  Really, really great book.


Gambit #1 by Asmus & Mann - This is a good, solid opening issue of a solo series of character who needs a new direction.  Instead of retreading familiar territory, Asmus but Gambit as the hero who was once a thief dipping into his old habits on a whim.  It gets back to the root of who he is without going against where he is right now in the X books.  I also enjoyed the updated costume with only hints of pink/purple on the side and use of technology by Gambit.  The art is great, however the colorist used what looked to watercolors (kinda?) and it was distracting.


Animal Man Vol. 1 The Hunt - New 52: I never read Morrison's run on this book.  My first introduction was in 52.  And frankly, I never really felt drawn to this character but I heard such great buzz so when my store had a sale for tax-free weekend, I picked it up.  And wow.  Really great stuff.  I already like Lemire's work on JLDark, and while Foreman is not who I would want on Captain America, his work on this book fits perfectly and is really good.  I recommend this to anyone who both likes comics and likes horror.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Post- Last Week's Comics Reviewed

So last week, I was on a retreat with about 130 students so no posts nor did I get my comics till Friday- mostly which I read on Saturday.  So here are my reviews:

Batman #12 - Great issue.  I love Becky Cloonan's art (and of course Scott Snyder's writing is amazing & Cloonan did a great con sketch for me at SDCC) I love that Snyder introduced a new character that seems so real, gritty and very 21st century.  I love the sub-plot with her family.  The only problem with this is the switching between Cloonan and Clarke's art.  And I love Clarke's art but it was jarring.  So great one-off issue that is a good break between the Court of Owl's 11 issue story line and what is promised with the return of the Joker.  A.

Demon Knights #12 - Another great issue.  If you like a non-conventional comic that zany awesomeness but also fits all your sword and sorcery wants  - this is it. And a great cliffhanger where the #0 issue next month won't be too distracting.  A+

Batgirl #12 - I love Gail Simone and I love Barbara Gordon.  Unlike many fans, while I was disappointed to see Oracle go away, I felt that with Simone that she would handle Babs as Batgirl again very well.  And she has.  However, my problems with Batgirl are twofold - art that is ok but not great and villains who don't seem to have a lot of weight to them.  I hope that with the Joker and the Talon Babs' fought in the Court of Owls coming back things will help.  I do enjoy Simone setting a certain character to be Babs' Moriarty type character which makes total sense and has that weight I hope for more of.  B.

Fantastic Four #609 - Good issue with a lot of creative ideas- however unless you read Millar & Hitch's run on the book or Hickman's earlier issues about the Defenders of Tomorrow, you could very easily get lost, even with the intro section.  B-

New Avengers #29 - As far as A vs.X tie-in issues goes, this is one of the best.  However, it obviously takes place at least before the last two issues of the main title.  Not a ton of action but some great character moments and explanation of where the Fantastic Four have been in this situation (though part of me still thinks someone like Johnny would have showed up to help Ben and Peter).  B+

Captain America #16 - This sucks.  Huge departure to the level which fans of this title have come to expect.  Really disappointing that this is Brubaker's ending on the title.  D.

New Mutants #46 - Another great issue.  Love what Abnett and Lanning are doing with this title.  I hate that it is going to end and either not be revived or be revived with a new team.  I hope Marvel is smart enough to put them on a MarvelNow! book. A.

My last two books are books that I actually dropped but sometime those request do not process as fast as they should:

Batman & Robin #12 - I really enjoyed the first arc with Morgan Ducard.  I enjoy the idea of Damian competing with Dick, Jason and Tim.  I had not real reason to think anything bad would happen to the main cast nor had any idea why Terminus was a threat or why he was doing it.  Great art, great script, totally forgettable villain.  C+

Avengers Assemble #6 - Right - it was ok, but again the Guardians don't sound like the Guardians but like Bendis' writing them.  I enjoyed the bait and switch but this really doesn't stack up to other Bendis Avengers comics and really I hope he's not writing the Guardians in MarvelNow! Better than last issue but not by much.

"Late" Sunday Post - What Really Grind My Gears..

...about comics.

There are a couple but I'm going to go with the one that is the most on my mind: overexposure of certain characters while great characters go under or unused.  Now, I know that many of my recent posts have bashed Marvel, and unfortunately, while I love many Marvel characters and teams and stories, one of my biggest gripes for the last few years is that too many of their most popular characters are overused.  Wolverine has at least two solo books, as well as being two Avengers teams, X-Force and at least one X-Men book.  Spider-Man also in his own titles published twice every month, a team-up book, two Avengers teams, and two Fantastic Four books.  Recently, Hawkeye was in Avengers, Secret Avengers and Avengers Academy.  Storm was in two X-Men books and the Avengers.  And it doesn't look like much will change with MarvelNOW!

Now, do I understand the want to put the most popular characters in many titles.  I think when Bendis put Wolverine and Spider-Man on the New Avengers it was ballsy and interesting.  I think putting Spider-Man onto the solo FF titles when Johnny Storm 'died' it was cool and made sense.  With Schism, the X-books allied into two camps, where four X books took place in the Utopia/San Francisco area and two other X books took place in Westchester, NY.  Again, it made sense to me that characters that live in the same area or work for the same school could cross into each other.  I am even ok with characters being on two Avengers squads when both squads are based from Avengers Mansion crossed over as well.

But it's too much.  Does DC do it too?  Yes. Three Batman solo books, with Batman & Robin, and Batman in two teams in the beginning of the New 52. But he's the only one.  Marvel has so many great Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four characters related and connected to those teams and at one time have been members.  While characters like Black Knight, Photon/Pulsar, Hercules and Black Panther are unused, Spider-Man, Wolverine and the cast of the Avengers movie are in everything and everywhere.  And it sucks.  And it's hard to make sense how so many characters are in so many places. And mostly it's frustrating.

I'm ok with a character having two solo books.  I'm ok with a character having a 'team-up book' - such as Avenging Spider-Man, Captain America and _____, and Batman & Robin.  I'm ok with a character being on more than one team and even regularly guest-starring in a book that is integrally linked with one of the other, such Captain America showing up semi-regularly in other Avengers books or Wolverine showing up in X books that are linked by the Jean Grey School.  What drives me crazy is Storm being part of the X-Men on the West Coast and being with the Avengers in New York City.  What drives me crazy is Wolverine being everywhere at once and on every team and Spider-Man who has a job and seems to be everywhere in NYC and on four teams?  What drives me crazy is the same the ten or twelve characters being used everywhere in everything and great characters never being used.

At the end of the day, Marvel and DC often are very conservative in how they use characters.  Unless they are supremely confident in their writer, they usually have at least one or two of those two or twelve characters in their teams.  I think it would be ballsy and great for Marvel and DC to take more chances on less known but fan/cult favorite characters that just might reach out to knew audiences.  You want to get more readership- well the female market is largely untapped.  You're telling my a Bat book with one or two female leads might be great.  If you have four Avengers teams with MarvelNow! why not populate one with unused characters who are mostly female.  It's really two bad that so many great characters are waiting on 'top' writers to give them a shot. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Marvel Now! Part 2 Point 1 Again....?

Hey there all,

Something I forgot.  Well two things actually.  First the Defenders, many think will continue on as before, even though it features a lot of important Marvel characters.  What I forgot to mention was Marvel Now Point 1 coming out - the writers are Bendis, Loeb, Fraction, Gillen and Nick Spencer and the characters are Nick Fury Jr ( Nick Fury's new son who is African-American and while it sounds confusing, it is, but the hope is the people who have seen the Avenger's movie won't be too confused) Nova, Cable, Starlord (and hopefully with the Guardians of the Galaxy), an unidentified Ant-Man, and a group shot of Wiccan, Kid Loki and the new Miss America.  Now, I hope Gillen is on a New Young Avengers with group of Wiccan, Loki and Ms. America and Spencer (who I loved on THUNDER Agents for DC) will be on Nick Fury Jr. Fraction, it would make sense, would be on Ant-Man since he's writing a newly alive Scott Lang in the Defenders.  However, that leaves Loeb on Nova (Rich Rider will probably be dead for a while more, because money is on the new Nova from Ultimate Spider-Man, Sam Alexander) and probably Cable and Bendis on Starlord. (Unless Spencer or Fraction is on Starlord, leaving Bendis to be on Ant-Man and/or Nick Fury Jr. We'll see when we see I guess.)  Now, the good news is that in Marvel's last point one, we had Brubaker write the story that couched everything, Bendis write a tease for Age of Ultron, Fraction write a Defenders intro, Loeb write a Nova story that led into A vs. X, and Jeff Parker wrote a great story about two super powered teenage twins that went nowhere.  Basically, what I am saying is that just because the are listed of the writers on the Point 1, I hold out hope that somehow Bendis or Loeb won't be on Guardians of the Galaxy.

Marvel Now! - a Friday post.

So Marvel has responded to the New 52 by DC, and are relaunching many of their core titles.  Many titles are getting new #1's, while others will have a change of creative teams without the #1.  And there will be a few new titles launched as well.  As I talked about in my previous post, after my experience with Marvel at SDCC, I am making a conscious decision to whittle down what books I get from Marvel.  A creative change helps with a lot of those choices, and over the past week, Marvel has hinted at some of these changes. I'm going to be focused on writers for most of this post, because I am fan who follows the writers.

First - the books that don't seem to be relaunched mostly because they just were launched not too long ago (thought for books with big name characters that doesn't seem to matter)  Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Winter Soldier, Gambit, Dark Avengers, X-Factor, X-Treme X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men, Daredevil and the Spider-Man titles (Amazing, Avenging, Scarlet Spider, Venom).  We also know Hulk will now re-titles Red She-Hulk but will keep the same writer at the very least.  We do not know about if X-Men, Uncanny X-Force, Astonishing X-Men and Secret Avengers will have any kind of changes.  We do know Bendis will be leaving Avengers Assemble but not if it'll be relaunched.  So let's talk about what we do know:

Hickman will be writing Avengers which will be bi-monthly and New Avengers- which we can expect to be pretty connected.  Which is both good and bad.  Bendis tried and at times succeeded to keep the titles apart, but if Hickman's FF and Fantastic Four are any kind of indication, they most likely will be ties together. I like Hickman's writing and have always loved the Avengers so I'm ok with that and most likely will be getting both of these.

Bendis will be writing All-New X-Men which seems to take the spot of Uncanny X-Men.  It features the five original X-Men somehow in the present and sticking around.  I'm done with Bendis and this really doesn't interest me.

Rick Remender will be launching Uncanny Avengers - now this line up seems awesome and I'm a big fan of Remender, so I'll be picking at the very least the first arc of this book.

We also know Slott and Loeb will be writing Avengers and X-Men - seems to focus on the New York based characters from both books.  I like Slott at times, but have really come to not like Loeb's writing.

Announced this week.

A new Deadpool book.  No thanks.

Kieron Gillen on Iron Man.  I've only heard great things about Gillen and have enjoyed his Uncanny run from what I have picked up.  But Iron Man has never been a favorite of mine, and I think I'll leave the character with Fraction.

Jason Aaron on Thor.  Again, I like Thor in the Avengers but never been a big fan of his solo adventures.  Also, I like Aaron's Wolverine and the X-Men but not enough for this.

Fraction on Fantastic Four and FF.  I picked these books up because I enjoyed Hickman so much from his runs on Secret Warriors and SHIELD.  However, I have never really loved these characters and Fraction is so hit or miss in my opinion.  I've like his Iron Man, Hawkeye and Iron Fist, but not so much his Defenders or Fear Itself.

Si Spurrier on X-Men Legacy.  Ehhh......no thanks?

Rick Remender on Captain America.  For sure picking up the first arc.

Mark Waid on the Hulk.  Interesting -I love Waid.  Not a big fan of the artist, Yu.  But I'll be picking up the first issue.

So my Marvel pull list:


Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers
Remender's Uncanny Avengers
Winter Soldier
Wolverine and the X-Men

Captain America

And if Remender stays on Secret Avengers and Uncanny X-Force - them too.

Now, a lot of the X-Men books have not been announced.  And some current writers have not been assigned or announced.  Also, many are expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy book, so I'm waiting to see who will be on that book too.  And hopefully Abnett and Lanning will be writing some book since New Mutants are getting canceled.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Earth 2 Designs

So recently DC Comics has launched a new title named Earth 2 which chronicles an alternate earth to where their main heroes are, an alternate earth that allows them to do new things, but also use heroes that belonged to the WWII era superheroes of the Justice Society of America.  So far the heroes I've shown are the ones which have appeared.  All of these characters have been re-designed.

First up, Superman.  I do like the a lot.  I wish his New 52 costume was like this. Stylized S, but this is a much more of a slight variation of his classic costume versus the armored version he has now.

Next up, Batman.  We assume this an older Batman, but we know it's one locked in a World War. In the comic, his costume was shades of gray and heavily armored.  I wouldn't want it for his regular series but I loved it in this book.

Next up is Hawkgirl.  Hawkgirl, classically has been a Caucasian, red haired female, and whose costume often took after Hawkman, usually in red, green and tan colors, hawk symbol mid chest, and a large orange headdress that is much like a hawk in attack mode.  This however, is very, very different and I think it's great.  The blue and black are striking, especially with the white wings.  It seems much more like modern day armor, versus the often ancient warriors in a combination of different cultures classic armor that Hawman and Hawkgirl have often been seen in.  And I love the helmet - the helmet scream Egyptian, but sleek instead of aggressive.  The silver goes so well with the black and blue. Also great that they chose the Kendra Saunders incarnation who gives Earth 2 a little diversity.
Now technically, this was not a design for Earth 2 but for the New 52 reboot, but Mister Terrific has landed on Earth 2 and hopefully will be part of the cast.  I like the color combination of red, white and black, but unsure of tattoos or the no-sleeve look.  I also find chapped pants to be very odd.  However, it's not awful, but could be improved upon.  I do like the red in the face mask.

One of the best redesigns of recent years.  On Earth 2, Bruce Wayne was Batman, and his daughter, a teenage Helena Wayne, was his Robin.  This combines the classic Tim Drake look made famous on the Batman animated show, but modernizes it and makes it looks like a functional armor.  It blends in some of the former outfits shown in the flashbacks of the New 52 of both Dick's and Jason's Robin outfits in DC's new continuity.

 So this Supergirl does a much better job of matching with her Superman's costume than the current one does.  However, the biggest issue I have with this costume is the lack of skirt.  I've always felt that the skirt seems a little more common sense for an indestructible Kryptonian, a little more teenage girlish, and the unitard with bare legs always seems odd to me.
 Ahh...Wonder Woman.  I've show the design sketch that was publicized by DC.  This design got a lot of controversy, but I feel intrtepreted by Scott, it made a lot more sense.  The biggest issue that many had was whether the arm/wrist and foot/leg guards made sense.  As Lee drew them here, some could say that they would impede movement.  Others would argue why would Wonder Woman need those kind of guards, and if she did, why would she let some of her body so exposed. With out the guards, her costume harkens back to the WWII  era skirt but also evokes classic Wonder Woman as well as more Greco-Roman influences.

Now begins that new and heavily critiqued section.  This is the Flash, once an grandpa like figure in the DC Universe, with a classic Hermes/Mercury metal hat, a red shirt with a lightning bolt and blue pants, now we have a modernization of his class blue and reds with the lightning bolt.  I am actually ok with the outfit, though I feel it could be improved upon.  What I and most fans have a problem with is helmet.  Again, its intended to be a modernization of the classic hat, morphing it into a helmet.  However it just doesn't work.  It looks big, bulky, and uncomfortable.  It just doesn't work.  And while face visor makes sense on paper, it doesn't visually.  I hope that since Jay's speed now comes from the Roman god Mercury and he can create his own costume by thought, that it will change for the better in the future.  My last note, that from cover to page, Scott makes the costume look a ton better.
 Next up, and making headlines due to his changed sexual orientation is Alan Scott, the Green Lantern.  Originally Scott's GL costume was an crazy combination of colors that made sense in the 1940's but not really today.  However, this design makes him to fit in more with the Green Lanterns in the new52 universe, which Scott is not, and never really has been.  In the comic itself, the Lantern symbol was changed, and the black parts here have all been shades of green, which actually makes it worse.  I like the design, a modernized knight, but with no contrast it just looks like a blond guy wearing all green.  I'm hoping that in the near, near future, they add some color, maybe even grey or white would be a nice departure from the green and black that most accent most Green Lanterns.

Finally, the Atom.  Not the size changing hero that some may know, but what the comic and the character design has done is combine the original Atom with two related characters, Damage and Atom-Smasher, along with his new origin of being part of the Army.  Therefore, the goggles, camouflage, and helmet make sense.  The colors and seeming energy coming from the hands evokes Damage character (who was the WWII's Atom's biological son) and the size changing ability he demonstrated in #4 harkens to Atom-Smasher (the WWII's Atom's god-son).  I like this a lot, and hope that Booth - who did Atom and Hawkgirl's designs, and Scott do the future designs of characters for Earth 2 in the future.

So that's it for me for about a week or so.  I'm working on a week long retreat with my fellow Campus Ministry teammates and will be unable to blog.  So have a great week!