Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She's crazy....and a liar?

Bridge to No where? and she kept the money....


Lied about selling a plane on ebay?

Rape Kits?


Trip to Iraq?


Here's some daily show: http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=184481&title=Sarah-Palin-Won't-Blink.

And the word from Colbert:


I also want to note that McCain -Palin -reformers: McCain, who was a great war hero, became a reformer after almost getting brought down in an awful scandal, and Palin spent $452 million dollars on crab porn (among other things). Also, from the people who want small government we hear a lot about government oversight and regulation, as well as more money for the defense. (which is all off-budget....can't wait till that shoe drops)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's been a while...but i am back baby....

And boy, do I have a lot to say.

First of all some links we all need to watch:

Me on TV:

Some Daily Show: http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=184095&title=sarah-palin-vet-this









And Matt Damon being very concerned: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2008/09/matt_damon_wants_to_know_if_sa.html

and a little NY times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/12/opinion/12krugman.html?ex=1378958400&en=c086f0651fb9c71b&ei=5124&partner=facebook&exprod=facebook

So now onto thoughts: First of all, a friend of mine sent me an article that compared Batman from the recent and kick ass Dark Knight movie to G.W. Bush. This made me wanted to do two things: punch my computer in the same way that "Waiting on the World to Change" makes me want to punch the radio. Also to drive to this guy's office and give him every Batman comic I have. Batman, while rich and a WASP, is not a Republican. Let's talk why. He hates guns. He does not support capital punishment. He understand the greys of the world. He is open minded and open hearted. He is not a crazy Evangelical Christian. He understand that the world isn't good guys and bad guys, that poverty and greed by everyone can create the situations where classes tend to fall to certain types of crime. Those are just a few. In fact, if there was one character in that movie I would compare to our esteemed President Douche bag, it would be Harvey Dent a.k.a. Two Face. Bush's worldview of fairness, black and white, good guys and bad guys, cowboys and indians, us vs. them is something that would much more akin to Two Face, though he is much more like able, tragic and better spoken.

Also some thoughts from the RNC:

1. How dare community organizers work in tough areas of the country, trying to make the world a better place. Like me, giving a year of my life in a peaceful community enrichment program when I was 22 when I should have been in a beauty pageant.

2. I love how the Republicans blame the last 8 years on the 'liberal' media and San Francisco when it was their party in power. Also, i think someone needs to explain to them that corporations own the media, and those corporations are hardly ever liberal. And yes, that Fox news is very much to blame.

3. Cindy McCain's outfit was worth more money that I have ever made. Ah, the party of the 'regular' people and fiscal conservatives.

4. If you live in the city, you don't have God, morals, principles or values. Republicans want to the world to go back to 1950's small values. Like racism, sexism, hate of gays, rampant alcoholism and spousal abuse. Ahhh the good old days.